We travelled up to Santa Pod for our annual pilgrimage to Bug Jam on the Thursday afternoon this year and despite the weathermen predicting storms all weekend we got off lightly with one thunderstorm over night on the Thursday and a spectacular lightning show just clipping the pod on the Friday evening, this was a result as Santa Pod is notorious for turning in to a quagmire when it rains. The rest of the weekend though was hot with temperatures souring to 30 degrees!
As usual Bug Jam was massive with plenty to see and do, the usual VWDRC action, monster trucks, drift displays, Battle of Briton flypast, Bug Jam's got talent, comedy tent, massive trade area and much more:
Entertainment wise the main stage had live acts such as The Ordinary Boys, Mused, Hot Red Chillie Peppers, and the very funny Cuban Brothers whose rendition of Ace of Spades by Motorhead was truly hilarious! Meanwhile in the dance tent the Raindance crew, Isotonic and Shades of Rhythm had the place raving like it was the 90's allover again ( but why DJ Billy Bunter dropped Oasis and Nirvana at the end I will never understand and for me and many others killed the night!). Not forgetting Judge Jules who played in the dance tent on Saturday night and had everybody jumping.
Unfortunately due to a heavy night the night before I didn't get any pictures of the Rust and Rat display but have a look at the pictures of the main Show n Shine below.
See More pictures of this and other events on my flickr photostream