Monday, 23 July 2012

Bug Jam 26

Bug Jam 26 was held at Santa Pod Raceway over the weekend of 20-22 July 2012. With wet weather leading up to the event and continuous rain on the Friday meant the camping fields were waterlogged and to say it was muddy would be an understatement! But rather than the rain continuing a blisteringly hot sun came out on the Saturday and Sunday which dried out the campsite to a manageable level but also made lots of unprepared visitors turn a nasty shade of Lobster. 
Show and Shine entrants appeared to be down this year, this may have been down to the bad weather that we have been suffering in the UK, the mud or down to the fact that ticket numbers were limited due to the overcrowding at last years event.

See more pics on my flickr photostream

Sunday, 8 July 2012


CamperJam'12 was held over the weekend of the 6th to 8th July 2012 in the beautiful grounds of Weston Park in Shropshire. Unfortunately this event became another victim of this years terrible weather with a week of rain before the event and then one long heavy downpour all of the Friday morning turning the site into a muddy quagmire. Although  the camping areas were relatively unaffected apart from the exit roads, the music tents, fun fair and trading areas were a no go area unless you had a good pair of wellies!
Sadly the event was closed to day visitors on the Sunday and the show and shine was cancelled (that's why I didn't get many pictures) as by this time it was felt that the site was becoming unsafe for all the traffic and only a couple of tractors to pull out the now sinking campers and the already sunken traders.
But we had a good time as we are now getting used to this years wet show season and will be returning to Weston Park next year for a hopefully dryer CamperJam 2013!

See more pics on my flickr photostream

Friday, 6 July 2012

VW Night, Campers and Buses

The VW Night, Campers and Buses is usually held at the 8 Ball Diner on the A12 near Witham on the first Thursday of the month but with the 8 Ball Diner closing  and having to find a venue at the last minute things were looking a bit shaky for the event! But the organizers got the word out on Facebook and put a sign up on the 8 Ball front door to say that it had moved two miles up the road to the Little Chef at Feering and all was good, if fact a there was a brilliant turn out and the evening was a great success. This could now be the new venue for this monthly event and its popularity is steadily growing so see you there next month!


See more pics on my flickr photostream