Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Whitenoise 11

Whitenoise 11 held at the Norfolk showground on the 16th - 18th of August was a fantastic show, as well as great cars there was a full on music festival, roller disco, great food stalls,a barn dedicated to all day kids entertainment, on site tattooist, fun fair and of all things trombone lessons! and much more besides ( the Frank Spencer impersonator freaked out Mrs Volks though) all wrapped up in a great venue. It reminded us of a mini Van Fest with so much to do and see.
Have a look at the pics and put a date in your diary for next year's Whitenoise.

See more pics of this event on my flickr photostream

Monday, 19 August 2013

VW Sweetcorn 2013

VW Sweetcorn was held over the weekend of 9th - 11th of August 2013. Formerly known as Peppercorn, after a two year break the show was renamed and moved from Kent to Billericay in Essex.
 The show and shine on the Sunday was aircooled only and it was nice to see some lovely vintage VW's on display mixed in with the usual bugs and buses.




See more pictures of this event on my flickr photostream